The Hammer Falls on Realtime Worlds


In a unconventional twist on one of videogaming's most time-honored traditions, information technology's time to check the unmoving-warmed personify of former APB studio Realtime Worlds to see if it was carrying any good stuff we power want.

Simple question: What's the first matter you do after you've sweptwing your enemies from the battleground? You crack 'em for loot: Guns, ammo, armor, solid food or whatever it else they had that's amended than the fagged garbage you've been lugging around. An Alienware hi-spec gaming PC with 22-column inch flat panel monitor and keyboard, for instance.

You're non going to determine something like that on your average cut-descending Darkspawn but you might come up with one at the online auction of all the stuff that wont to consist to Realtime Worlds. Realtime, as you may call back, ran into trouble soon after the disastrous launch of APB, which came call at June. APB went down in the mouth in mid-September; Realtime Worlds went into disposal soon after and is now veneer a sub judice bickering with many former employees finished missed paychecks.

Over 1000 lots are expected to be put up for auction sale and bidding is already underway, although non completely lots have yet been posted. There doesn't seem to be as much memorabilia as I was hoping for, however. There are some great deals on hardware, networking equipment and random bits and pieces like a wassailer and a washing machine, but a quick scan through the posted lots reveals about nothing in the way of collectible Realtime swag. Which I realize sounds kind of ghoulish; information technology's like complaining that the remains you're grooving through isn't wearing any nice jewelry.

But hey, that's how gamers roll. One strange thing to deport in mind: If you buy anything, you have to go plunk it up. In Scotland. I suspect that's a little out of the way for most of you, but if you'ray provision on being in the neighborhood in mid-November anyway, why not take the opportunity to score some cheap stuff?

via: Chitter


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